Sunday, July 1, 2007

Slow start to July

Pretty frustrating day, never really got anything going.  If I won a pot at one table, I would lose one at another.  Played about 1637 hands for -$29.45.  Hell, just realized that with rakeback and the bonus I was working on, I'm actually up for the day.  Here are a few hands, nothing really stood out, was pretty card dead for this session.

Hand 1: Villain was maniac 55/35/10

Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.25/$0.50 Blinds - 6 Players - (

SB: $55.70
BB: $23.35
UTG: $13.25
MP: $20.80
Hero (CO): $50.00
BTN: $117.25

Preflop: Hero is dealt Jc Ac (6 Players)
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.75, 2 folds, BB raises to $5.00, Hero calls $3.25

Flop: ($10.25) Ts 3c 8c (2 Players)
BB bets all-in for $18.35, Hero calls $18.35

Turn: ($46.95) 5d (2 Players - 1 All-In)

River: ($46.95) 9h (2 Players - 1 All-In)

Pot Size: $46.95 ($2.30 Rake)

Hand 2:  Villain was 18/14/7
Didn't raise the flop for pot control, figured he would call down with any ace and I would fold any hand that I beat.  Comments on all streets are welcome.

Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.25/$0.50 Blinds - 6 Players - (

SB: $88.85
BB: $52.75
UTG: $46.00
MP: $51.40
CO: $47.90
Hero (BTN): $49.25

Preflop: Hero is dealt Jc Js (6 Players)
UTG folds, MP calls $0.50, CO folds, Hero raises to $2.25, SB folds, BB calls $1.75, MP calls $1.75

Flop: ($7) Ah Ac 4d (3 Players)
BB bets $3.00, MP folds, Hero calls $3.00

Turn: ($13) 7d (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $8.00, BB raises to $20.00, Hero folds
Uncalled bet of $12.00 returned to BB

Pot Size: $29.00 ($1.45 Rake)

Hand 3: Villain was 58/27/5
any way to get more value out of this?

Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.25/$0.50 Blinds - 6 Players - (

SB: $20.75
BB: $50.00
UTG: $83.35
MP: $31.05
Hero (CO): $50.00
BTN: $32.30

Preflop: Hero is dealt Kc Ad (6 Players)
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.75, BTN raises to $3.00, 2 folds, Hero calls $1.25

Flop: ($6.75) Jd As 7s (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $3.00, Hero calls $3.00

Turn: ($12.75) Kd (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $7.00, Hero calls $7.00

River: ($26.75) Ac (2 Players)
Hero bets $20.00, BTN folds
Uncalled bet of $20.00 returned to Hero

Pot Size: $26.75 ($1.30 Rake)

Tried to find some more hands to post but just couldn't, lots of really really uneventful stuff.


DODGYKEN said...

I think three hands is optimal for these posts.

Hand 1: I fold to the 3-bet pre-flop. AJ is one of the worst hands to call a 3-bet with, I think, and I don't think it's ever necessary at $50NL. On the flop I think you have to fold as well. I imagine that, because he's a maniac, you think your A and J could be outs too. I still don't think you have the odds to call - especially with the fact that you can't definitely say they're outs. Obviously I wasn't at the table. If I'd seen him shoving with ridiculous holdings I might find it harder to fold.

Hand 2: Reload your stack pre-flop. I think a flop call is OK. Against some players I'd raise there though. On the turn, I think you should just check behind. I guess bet-folding is OK because betting the flop and checking the turn is a weird line to take if he has an Ace. It wouldn't surprise me if he had 44 here and was trying to get you to do the raising with an Ace.

Hand 3: I'd play this quite differently. If this guy had been 3-betting a lot pre-flop, which his stats suggest he might have been, I would probably 4-bet pre-flop. Having said that, I think calling and keeping the pot smaller when OOP is a good line to take too.

On the flop I'd check raise.
On the turn I'd check raise.

On the river I think you may as well check. This guy is probably bluffing so let him have another go. It will also let him know that checking doesn't mean no hand for you, which should hopefully slow him down later on in the session.

DWarrior said...

Hand 1: fold to 3-bet, fold to the shove. You're probably break-even at best once he overbet shoves, so why gamble. You can easily be drawing to just the flush, which is -EV.

Hand 2: The problem with betting the turn is that he might fold worse pairs, because your flop call was consistent with slowplayed A. I think you're definitely way ahead here or way behind, but if you bet he'll just fold worse hands. I think I just check behind and see what he does, value betting if he checks the riv. Also note that the frequency of him having A is increased because 2 players saw the flop.

Hand 3: Min 3-bets always put me on tilt, I don't know what they're supposed to mean. The most typical I think is a drawing hand building the pot to win a larger one if it connects, though it can also be a big hand building the pot.

I was going to suggest just donking it on the flop, but I can see why a c/r would be better.

Gregory Lynn said...

Just throwing out a question about the AJ hand, what about a big raise?

I think that depends on his three betting frequency but if he does it a ton then you're ahead of his range and may well have him dominated.

mongoose said...

Hand 1: if the guy is as aggro as you present him to be, i'd call the 3-bet.

i fold at the shove. i might cuss there as well.

Hand 2: is interesting.

dodge, if you raise on the flop, and get called, then you abandon the hand to any aggression on the turn or the river?

a raise on that board might just say, "no, i don't have an Ace, but i do have a pair". there aren't any draws that you're afraid of, so getting aggro there just means "i don't have it".

i'm ok with the flop call. being passive, i would just check the turn and then pay a small fee on the river, but take a pass on calling a large riverBet.

that leaves the questions of what did he have, and why such solid c/r on the turn?

if he has the Ace, he can do what he did, and take your $8 on the turn and watch you walk. or, he can call you, and then value bet the river, and maybe get another $9 out of you.

was he really afraid of the r/r diamond draw?

"figured he would call down with any ace"
- err, i think i just echoed your thoughts. sorry.

does that c/r mean that he has a pocket pair as well, and at this point he really wants to know where he sits? or does he think that you're aggro enough to pay him off with both a c/r call on the turn and even more money on the river?

i'm confused. it's too much money and not a strong enough holding to make a stand on, but it makes me wonder what he's doing and why he's doing it.

Hand 3: with the turn showing 2 flush draws, i'd have check/raised there. you win the same sized pot if he folds.

grinder said...

Hand 1 against a maniac i fold to the 3 bet . Its always going to be a coin toss

Hand 2 well the scary flop would scare me i would be checking it down i think he indicated that he had the ace by calling

Hand 3 i always c bet i wouldnt of checked the flop i like to know where i am . I hate palaying maniacs

michaeyk said...

Hand 1: As others have said fold AJ to a 3bet.

Hand 2: I think you should call behind on the turn then call on the river depending on his bet.

Hand 3: Definitely raise the flop. On the turn as well, you should raise instead of calling. It's a good hand but it still needs defending, especially as the board is getting more draw heavy with each card.

Anonymous said...

Hand 1: I fold to 3 bet because of stats and stack size. With those stats, I'm only calling that 3 bet if he had at least 100BB.

Hand 2: Raise for fold flop, don't call here. Raise tells you where you are at and allows you to check the turn and see the river.

Hand 3: Check raise all in the turn. Player with those states will often call on a draw, make him pay for it.

losbert said...

Hand 1, I fold to the All in Bet on the flop, all you have is a flush draw and overcards. O would probably have made the call on the flop in position against the BB in view of his stat's to a tighter player I definately fold.

Hand 2, the pre flop raise is fine. On the flop, I either fold or raise to find out where I am, I wouldn't have called. I would probably have check folded on the turn as he obviously had a strong hand.

Hand 3, did you consider check raising on the flop or turn as opposed to calling?