Thursday, July 5, 2007

Down 10 buyins

Now dropped 10 buyins this week, 2 were due to tilt.  Taking the weekend off, dropping down to 25NL monday.


michaeyk said...

I know the feeling. Take a break and come back to the game with a clear head. I've had the worst week in a long time. 6 buyins taking a shot at the level above mine, then a few losing days in a row after moving down.

I tried clamping my game down and got myself down to 15/12. What's really helped me out has been posting my botched hands of the day on my blog, the sweat sessions, and playing fewer tables better.

Btw: I'm still horribly down, but I feel better actively working on my game.

If you're interested in sweating me on your time off, just AIM me. I'm michaeyk.

DODGYKEN said...

Dropping down is definitely good at a time like this. I would try and play a little tighter than normal if I were you. Maybe try C-betting a little less and just being more nitty in general for a while. Then, when the results come through and you regain confidence, you can open up your game again. Just remember that you don't need to do anything fancy. Just play solid (boring) poker and the results should come.

losbert said...

I think we've all been there and I can certainly sympathise.

I've had to drop down a couple of levels over the past couple of months and feel alot happier about my game as I've been able to change a few fundamental things where I was going wrong.

Good luck when you start playing again.

Anonymous said...

I just had a 11 BI downswing over last 4 days and will be dropping back a level. Not letting it get me down at all. I've been through many of these, and expect many more as I increase my aggression and number of hands played.

Here's my plan. Drop 1 level, play 4 rather than 6 tables and play my A game. This has worked well before and I expect it to again.

Keep us informed as we all wish you the best.

Marc said...

No more advice to add other than the good stuff already here....but I'll add my good luck wishes. Hang in there.