Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Can't seem to get anything going

Just getting crushed lately, can't seem to put anything together.  Start playing a little, just get destroyed, and then quit, try again later.  Last 3 days I've only played 615 hands for -$189.05 and a BB/100 of -30.74.  Theres only been one big pot in there, ands its not even worth posting.  Got it all in on the flop with top full house and ended up losing.  Mostly I'm just losing small pots left and right, not really picking up anything.  Sorry for the low content update, but I just wanted to keep the blog active.  Might try again later tonight.


losbert said...

Keep at it things will turn around I've had a similar kind of session today and am leaving it there for the night

chris said...

yeah session were you just lose a bunch of small pots and never get anything going are really frustating

michaeyk said...

I've been going through a similar bad run. I've been knocked down a level in just a few days and now I'm struggling to put up a winning day. Just stick with it, your bad run will is bound to end soon.

Marc said...

Heh, seems to be a mini-epidemic, or at least I'm more attuned to it in the middle of my cooler. I'll tell you the same thing I'm telling myself: keep trying to play your A game, make good decisions, study, and the chips will come back your (our) way. I'm right there with you!