Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sweating Session

I'm checking to see if anyone would be interested in setting up a sweating session?  Maybe during the day on July 4th.  Respond back if you're interested.


DODGYKEN said...

I'm always happy for a session. Thursday might be better for me though. My MSN and AOL are both DODGYKEN@hotmail.com. Feel free to add me and we can sort something out.

michaeyk said...

I'm in as well. I'm michaeyk on AIM and yahoo.

liamm1987 said...

im up for a sweating session, anytime. My aim is liamm1987.

edsweden said...


Today is no good but later on during the week would be fun.

My msn: ed_sweden@hotmail (.com)

GMT +1 that is...

DWarrior said...

I'd be up for it,

AIM sn is DWarrior