Saturday, June 30, 2007

PokerTracker Checkup: hows your grind???

Alright, I'm going to try something and I think it would be interesting if some of the other bloggers would do this with me.  I'm going to post some pokertracker numbers, and then see what all I've changed during this blogfest.  The stats I'll be posting will be from a 2+2 post on how to use pokertracker taken from the SSNL forum, written by Pokey.  Here is a link to the original for those who are interested in where to find these stats.

First up is a screenie of the main ring games screen from pokertracker.
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Next is positional aggression and positional awareness
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Blind defense agaisnt a steal
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Playing out of blinds
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Heads up situations
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Heads up no raise
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Multi-way no raise
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Pocket pairs
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Suited connectors
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Unsuited connectors
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Post flop aggression
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Check raising
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Just looking at those numbers, it appears that I have a problem with playing in unraised pots, so I would love some suggestions on what to do in those situations.  I'll try to find some hands in unraised pots to post soon.  My unsuited connectors are losing money because I'm not playing very many of them, and those totals inculde the blinds.  I would love comments, and would be thrilled if some people made similar posts so we could compare some numbers.


DODGYKEN said...

Hi Jared,

I like this idea and I'll definitely post mine. I've just written up a post about my July goals though so I don't wanna do this post as well straight away. I'll stick mine up tomorrow for my June hands.


edsweden said...

Good idea, later this week I will post one on my blog as the next three days I will be swamped.

I'll be keeping an eye on your blog.


losbert said...

This is a great idea will have to take a good look at the 2+2 post should be really useful. I'll try and post similar over the next couple of days.

Thanks for Good luck message on my blog same applies to you

Jonathan said...

This looks like a good idea, trying to plug the leaks I will definitely look over my stats now and try to see where my leaks are. I feel my stats are bad but might post the ones that really are bothering me and try to lug them this month. Good luck in July

Marc said...

Good idea...even if people don't post all the stats that you posted, this is a good mechanism to analyze. I'm going to go through Pokey's guide and post the conclusions I've drawn from it...and those will be a good basis for the hands to post.