Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Start o' bloggin

This is the begining of my blog, starting for the low limit grinders series on Cardrunners.com.

Name: Jared E

Cardrunners name: Malinois

Sites/stakes you will play: 50NL FTP and Stars

Tables you will play at once: 4

Estimated # of hands you'd like to play during the month: 10k - 15k

Blog address: http://ssnlmalinois.blogspot.com/

Poker goals for the month of July: Continue to improve my play, working on my BB/100.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Going to be on vacation July 21st - 28th. Will probably be able to connect to CR and the blog, but won't be playing any hands during that week. (Hope that doesn't exlude me)

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